Gudlin - Single cicles

Milestones in the development of postmarks from the beginnings to 1900

1752 Beginnings postmarks use. First known postmark "V. DEBRECZIN", 13 April 1752.. 1
Until 1839 Free designing of postmarks by the postmaster (so-called postmasters' postmarks). Primarily usage of undated postmarks.. 2
From 1839 May Prescription of the obligatory declaration of month and day in new postmarks. Gradual spreading of two-line postmarks with date-insert.. 3
1846 lntroduction of the first standard postmark for the whole country (date-inserted double circle postmark with palm-leaves ornament.. 4
1850 Introduction of single-circle postmarks with two-part date-inserts. Standard version until 1867.. 5
From July 1867 Perscription of the inclusion the year in date. Introduction of single circle postmarks with three-part date-inserts, used in German order (day,month,year).. 6
1868 First stamp in the world with date-setting by wheel-mechanism used in Pest for a short time.. 7
1873-80 Further introduction and general usage of stamps with wheel-mechanism and modified design.. 8
From June 1879 Stamps with date-inserts, date declaration done in Hungarian order. Month declaration in letters.. 9
1890-99 Introduction of new design of single circle stamps (so-called bridge-type) with wheel-mechanism.. 10
From 1892 Introduction of new design of bridge-type stamps with date-inserts. Standard until 1920.. 11